Internal Link Building SEO For Bloggers
Now Bateeilee Blog will share Internal Link Building and Link SEO Tricks for Bloggers. Easy Ways to Boost Search Traffic with Internal Link Building.There are many search engine optimization (SEO) tips, but one of the most often overlooked is internal link building. This trick is so easy any blogger can do it.
Taking that trick a step further, many top websites create pages for specific keyword tags. In other words, if you write a blog about baseball, you might have a Yankees category, but it's unlikely you'd have a category for every player that has ever worn a Yankees uniform. That's just too many categories! Instead, you can create keyword tags for each player. When a player's keyword tag (his name) is used in a post, you can link it to a page where all posts using that tag are archived.
In fact, if you want to increase traffic to your blog, you should
definitely consider implementing some of the link SEO tips described
below. Each trick is safe and as long as you don't stuff your posts and
pages full of links (meaning you should have far more useful content
than links), you won't be viewed as a spammer.
Be sure to read up on how many links are too many links in a blog post so you don't include excessive internal and external links in your posts.
Be sure to read up on how many links are too many links in a blog post so you don't include excessive internal and external links in your posts.
1. Publish a Frequently Asked Questions Page
This trick is used by many bloggers, because it not only adds internal links to your blog but also provides a useful resource to visitors. Just create a page filled with common questions about your blog topic and include links to blog posts that you've published which answer those questions. You can add to your frequently asked questions page at anytime.2. Publish a "Best Of" Page
Often bloggers publish posts that we think are fantastic, but they don't get noticed the way we think they should. A great trick to give those posts longer life is to include them on a "Best Of" page on your blog. Don't just include your favorite posts. Make sure you review your blog statistics using your web analytics tool, and include links to posts that received a lot of page views. Also, consider including posts that got a lot of comments and posts that were shared frequently via Twitter, Facebook, and other social sites.3. Link Keywords in Posts to Category Pages or Tag Pages
A trick that many top websites use is to link keywords to category pages on their blogs. For example, if you write a blog about baseball and have a Yankees category, you can link the first use of the Yankees keyword in all of your posts to the main Yankees category page where all of your relevant post archives can be accessed for further reading.Taking that trick a step further, many top websites create pages for specific keyword tags. In other words, if you write a blog about baseball, you might have a Yankees category, but it's unlikely you'd have a category for every player that has ever worn a Yankees uniform. That's just too many categories! Instead, you can create keyword tags for each player. When a player's keyword tag (his name) is used in a post, you can link it to a page where all posts using that tag are archived.
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