Secondhand Smoke and Lung Cancer

Bateeilee blog admin will share Secondhand Smoke and Lung Cancer.  The link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer has received a lot of attention lately. Laws now prohibit smoking in many public places, and TV commercials yank at our heartstrings as they depict someone that smoked mourning the loss of a non-smoking loved one. What are the facts?

Definition of Secondhand Smoke


First, what is secondhand smoke? Secondhand smoke (or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) refers to the exposure to smoke from cigarettes another person is smoking. It is also called passive smoking or involuntary smoking. Secondhand smoke is made up of two components. “Sidestream smoke” is the smoke that is present in air from the end of a burning cigarette. “Mainstream smoke” is smoke that is exhaled by someone who is smoking after it has traveled through the lungs. Research on animals suggests that sidestream smoke may be even more dangerous than mainstream smoke, but regardless of the debate, secondhand smoke is a known human carcinogen (cancer causing substance).

The Statistics


Secondhand smoke alone is responsible for roughly 3,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States, and over 21,000 lung cancer deaths worldwide. Living with a smoker increases an individual’s chance of developing lung cancer by 20 to 30%.

According to U.S. Surgeon General’s report in 2006, even brief secondhand smoke exposure can cause the damage that can lead to lung cancer. Despite this risk, the report also found that nearly half of non-smoking individuals are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke. The best ventilation systems are unable to filter out secondhand smoke completely, and only smoke-free establishments are risk free.

The Culprits


There are more than 50 chemicals in tobacco smoke that are known to cause cancer. Some of the better known carcinogens include arsenic, benzene, nickel, and vinyl chloride.

How Can You Protect Yourself?


Since no level of secondhand smoke exposure is safe, insisting on a no-smoking policy in your home is an important first step in protecting yourself. Choosing public establishments, such as restaurants, that are smoke-free is helpful as well, although the availability may depend on the laws where you live. If you travel, avoiding secondhand smoke can be more difficult. Our Guide to COPD, Deborah Leader has compiled ideas on protecting yourself while traveling

Secondhand Smoke and People With Lung Cancer


For someone living with lung cancer, secondhand smoke exposure can carry a double-edged sword. As an irritant to the lungs, secondhand smoke can worsen symptoms that are already present, such as coughing, but can be painful from an emotional standpoint as well. Studies tell us that lung cancer survivors experience significant distress when family members continue to smoke. If you are living with lung cancer and have family members who smoke, or, if you smoke and have a family member with lung cancer..

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