Business And Finance News
Bateeilee blog admin will share Coronary Artery Disease. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a condition in which plaques build up in the walls of the coronary arteries
(the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle). These plaques can
gradually obstruct the artery, or they can suddenly rupture, causing a
more acute obstruction. Because the heart...
Bateeilee blog admin will post What Is Peripheral Artery Disease?. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition in which one or more of the arteries supplying blood to the legs (or arms) becomes blocked or partially blocked, usually because of atherosclerosis. If the blood flow to the limbs is no longer sufficient to keep up with the demand, a person...
Bateeilee blog admin will share What is Atherosclerosis?. Atherosclerosis is a chronic, progressive disease in which plaques
(consisting of deposits of cholesterol and other lipids, calcium, and
large inflammatory cells called macrophages) build up in the walls of
the arteries.
These plaques can cause several problems. First, plaques can protrude
Bateeilee blog admin will share Medical Treatment for Angina. If you have coronary artery disease (CAD), you can develop cardiac symptoms for two general reasons. First, it is possible to have acute coronary syndrome (ACS), which is a sudden deterioration caused by the formation of a blood clot within a coronary artery. ACS causes unstable angina...
Bateeilee blogs admin will share What is Unstable Angina?. Unstable angina is a pattern of angina
that occurs randomly or unpredictably, and is unrelated to any obvious
trigger (such as physical exertion or emotional stress). Unstable angina
is a form of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), and like all ACS, unstable angina should be considered a medical...
Bateeilee blog admin will share about What's Unstable Angina or Stable Angina?. Angina is the name given to the symptoms (usually chest pain or chest
discomfort) produced when the heart muscle is in a state of ischemia - that is, when the heart muscle is not getting enough blood supply. In unstable angina, ischemia occurs unpredictably and suddenly,...
Bateeilee blogs admin will post How the Blood Clots?. The clotting mechanism is one of the most important and complex of
physiologic systems. Blood must flow freely through the blood vessels
in order to sustain life. But if a blood vessel is traumatized, the
blood must clot to prevent life from flowing away. Thus, the blood must
provide a system...
Bateeilee blog admin will share Preventing Acute Coronary Syndrome. Preventing acute coronary syndrome - ACS - should be one of your chief concerns if you have been told you have coronary artery disease (CAD).
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) occurs when a blood clot suddenly forms within a coronary artery. This usually happens when a plaque ruptures...
Bateeilee blog admin will share What Is Acute Coronary Syndrome - ACS. Coronary artery disease (CAD) produces two broad categories of clinical syndromes - stable angina,
and Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). If you have CAD, you probably know
all about stable angina. But chances are, you don't know much about ACS.
You need to know about ACS, though,...
Bateeilee Blog admin will share What are the symptoms of lung cancer?. Since lung cancer survival is better the earlier it is caught,
understanding some of the common symptoms of lung cancer is very
important. Symptoms of lung cancer to be aware of can include:
Symptoms Related to Cancer in The Lungs
A cough
that persists over time, or...